My new blogging friend, Chelle, at
Last in Line, has tagged me for a
homeschool meme. By the way, please have a browse through Chelle's blog. Chelle is a kiwi homeschooler using many of the same resources I am using with my children. I was thrilled to find her on the internet!
Here are the meme questions:
1. One homeschooling book you have enjoyed:
The first "homeschooling" book I ever came across was Karen Andreola's book: "A Charlotte Mason Companion". This is a great indroduction to Charlotte Mason's methods and how you came implement them in your home.
2. One resource you wouldn't be without:
I think right now I would have to say the brilliant writing course by Andrew Pudewa: Student Writing Intensive
This course takes all the mystery out of writing for our family.
3. One resource you wish you had never bought:
Hmmm, I am having trouble with this one. I am usually very careful about what I buy. We did try out Mystery of History, but after having already used Story of the World, we just went back to that.
4. One resource you enjoyed last year:
We enjoyed using Discovering Great Artists as a springboard for out art lessons.

5. One resource you will be using next year:
Well, it's not next year yet, but my oldest girls have just started working through Dr Jay Wile's Exploring Creation with General Science. So far they are enjoying it.
6. One resource you would like to buy:
I would LOVE to buy an e-book reader, for all those out-of-print or hard-to-find or just-too-expensive classic books that we have yet to read.
7. One resource you wish existed:
Some sort of reference for New Zealand poetry and literature suitable for children.
8. One homeschool catalogue you enjoy reading:
I have been browsing through the Institute for Exellence in Writing's catalogue, and would love to be able to buy some of their history-based writing lessons and poetry lessons.
9. One homeschool website you use regularly
Ambleside Online. This is a great resource based on the methods of Charlotte Mason and includes booklists for every grade in every subject area.
10. Tag six other homeschoolers:
1. Melissa, from Bugs, Knights and Turkeys in the Yard
2. Nancy, from Sage Parnassus
3. Narelle, from House of Bogwitz
4. Laura Lou, from Wasted Textbooks
5. Mel, from Sweet Blue Sky Days and
6. Jeanne, from A Peaceful Day (Jeanne's lucky - she's already done the meme, so I've linked you directly to her blogpost :-)
If I haven't tagged you, feel free to join in anyway, it's always great to read about what other homeschoolers are using and love.