Katey lists the books her family is using for various subjects at Crazy Homeschool Mama: on our bookshelf posted at her blog: Crazy Homeschool Mama.
Pamela describes some of her family's adventures reliving the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder in Just Like Ma Ingalls at her Blah, Blah, Blog.
Dawn shares a great list of Advent Books at her blog, my4sweetums.
Nancy shares a medieval Christmas poem, The Canticle of the Bees, at her blog, Sage Parnassus.
I share a post on one of our poet studies: Poet of the Week ~ Phillis Wheatley
Jimmie shows us how we can succeed at: Teaching Geography Without Buying a Curriculum in her post at Jimmie's Collage.
Robin presents some great Ideas for Photographic History Projects posted at Crack the Egg.
Jimmie also presents Da Vinci Picture Books at Jimmie's Collage.
Shannon Cook shares Artist/Composer Group: Georges Seurat at her blog, Song of My Heart.
Susan shares her plans for A Term of Study for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, including copywork and narration exercises, at her blog, Stitching Life.
I posted my plans for our Shakespeare study of Henry V in Preparing for Shakespeare.
Tricia shares her family's joy in Autumn nature study at Autumn OHC # 10: November World posted her blog, Hodgepodge.
If you've always wanted to know what an "ootheca" is, Amber will uncover the mystery at Nature Study -- Praying Mantis Oothecae at her blog, The Mommy Earth.
Melissa shares the rewards of composer & orchestra study in "Concerto! I know who that is!" at her blog, Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys In the Yard.
Shannon presents Christmas in Mexico: Making Ojo de Dios posted at Song of My Heart.
Amy has put together an in-depth post on Narration... in Spanish or French, hard?! at Fisher Academy International ~ Teaching Home.
And last, but definitely not least, Nancy shares her final post on her Truth, Beauty, Goodness co-op, with an overview of what the group has learned throughout the term: Gazing on Many Truths posted at Sage Parnassus. It is a beautiful example of a Charlotte Mason homeschooling co-op!
That's it for 2010! May you all have a blessed Christmas, and a wonderful holiday break!
This looks so tempting that I'd like to go through each one right now - but I'm off the donate at the food shelf! Thanks for putting such a feast out for us and including my posts. I'm going to link from my blog and our Ning network, Charlotte Mason on the Prairie.
Oh this looks like a lovely, lovely carnival. There are so many wonderful topics I want to read about. With a two week Christmas break coming up, I know I'll have time to and that makes me very happy. Thanks for putting this all together for us. I love the New Zealand Christmas flower, that is very pretty!
I used the IEW B with the kids. And right now they are using the Hillside Education English series. In my former life before children, I was an English teacher, so I just taught them the simple five paragraph essay form a few years ago and have them practice it often. We have used some of the IEW paragraph starters like add an adverbial clause, add a strong verb and even made up some of our own like start a paragraph with a story or a quote or a question or even a joke. Thanks for noticing the girls' art, they love it so and appreciate your comment. : ) I will link to the Carnival too.
Gorgeous flowers. You did a great job! I'll have to be back tomorrow of course... I need a quiet moment to peruse well :)
amy in peru
Rachael! This is a beautiful blog! I love the picture of the NZ Christmas tree. Looks like a wonderful carnival with some fascinating articles. I look forward to sitting down and reading them over the next few days. Thanks for hosting!
Dana Wilson
Epi Kardia Home Education, LLC
Great carnival! Hate to say it, but I'm envious of your hot weather. We're experiencing snow and very cold temps about a month earlier than usual in my area.
Merry Christmas!
That Pohutakawa does have lovely flowers! Thanks for hosting!
Looks fantastic!
Those flowers are quite a treat since we are surrounded by a lot of brown! :o)
Thank you for hosting. I appreciate your hard work!
It always such a blessing to see what other terrific homeschool families are doing!
Thanks Rachel for hosting the carnival. I enjoyed reading the entries today.
(Just a little note, Annie Kate's Nature Study entry doesn't work....just so you know.)
Thanks again.
Hi Barb,
I enjoyed hosting! I know Annie Kate's link isn't working - we think it is a problem with Homeschoolblogger, so I posted it anyway. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
For all you people in the freezing northern hemisphere - you might feel a little better to know that this week's temperatures in NZ are about 10 degrees cooler!!
This is my first time participating in the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival! I am so excited to go through and read everyone's posts. Thanks for your work on this, Rachael!
Another great carnival. Thanks for hosting it, Rachael.
What an amazing flowers those are. They look huge. Are they?
Thanks for being patient with Homeschoolblogger, Rachel. And thanks for hosting the Carnival.
Annie Kate
Hi Annie Kate,
The flowers are beautiful, aren't they! I'll see if I can find a photo of a tree and post it.
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